Wednesday, November 20, 2013


Welcome to my blog, “Speechasaurus.” I am so glad you stopped by!  Why start a blog? Seems like a lot of work?   I look at this blog as a challenge to myself to stay up to date and informed on the most current best-practices in speech and language pathology as well as a venue to collaborate and share creative and innovative therapy ideas with people in the speech and language community from all over the United States (and hopefully beyond). I recently started a store on Teachers Pay Teachers ( and a facebook page (, and I am having so much fun with them! I am a school-based speech and language pathologist from Wisconsin (Go Pack Go!).  I am currently completing my CFY in a full-time position split between three different schools.  I get to work with students aged 2-20 and I LOVE the diversity, it really keeps me on my toes!  Although I love my job, it’s important that you know all of the opinions/ideas/comments in this blog are my personal comments and have no ties to my employer.  Any blog posts/comments are done on my personal time, not during my work day.  Also, although this blog will be discussing many topics in the field speech and language pathology, none of the resources I share are meant to replace an actual speech and language pathologist.  I would direct you to to find a qualified speech and language pathologist in your area.  The clip art used on this blog has all been purchased and is ALL copyrighted! 

That being said, the most interesting thing I think I have to offer as a recent graduate in speech and language pathology is that I had the opportunity to study abroad in Curitiba, Brazil during the summer of 2012 at CAIF (Center for the Integral Care of Patients with Cleft Lip/Palate).  The level care that CAIF offers their patients from birth-adulthood is amazing, they had so much to share. I learned so much from both the patients and the professionals at CAIF.  This was a life-changing experience! 

 I will post blog updates on my Facebook wall so make sure you “like” it!  


  1. Love your blog! Very cute! :) Looking forward to reading your posts!

  2. Welcome to the speech blog world. Super cute title. Can't wait to read more!

  3. Just found your blog, so hello!
    I think your experience with cleft lip/palate sounds amazing. I am looking for more resources in that area since I have a student with a repaired cleft lip and palate on my caseload. I'll have to poke around to see what else is on your blog! I think your SGM post with the individual manipulatives is creative.
    Have a great weekend!
