Sunday, April 6, 2014

Game Time

Hello everyone! Tomorrow I go back to work after a fun and relaxing week on spring break! To all you fellow school-based SLPs, we are in the homestretch!!! During spring break, my parents and I took a quick trip down to Chicago.  While we were there we did all sorts of fun things including a lot of shopping! (PS. To those of you who live near an IKEA...I am so jealous!) As we were about to leave the mall in a suburb of Chicago we spotted a store called Marbles:The Brain Store.  We stopped in to check it out and I am SO glad we did! I have never been to a store like this, but they had so many amazing games to "keep your brain healthy".  If you knew me in real life, you would know that I am crazy for the game YAHTZEE.  As it turns out, I am crazy for any dice game! We discovered this great little game called TENZI. You can click on the link to learn more about it but I will give you the abbreviated version of how you play.  It is so simple.  So far I have only played it with my family and fiance, but I just got it on Thursday so that hasn't given me much time to expand beyond that. I think it would be a fabulous quick-play game for therapy! Here's a picture of my fabulously colored dice!

Each player gets 10 dice.  Each set of dice is a different color which is possibly why I love the game so much (it's pretty).  Anyways, someone says, "One, two, three" and on three everyone rolls their dice at the same time.  Each person looks through their dice and decides what number they are going to go for.  Let's pretend I picked number 5.  Then I would pull all my 5's out and roll the remaining dice.  I would again, pick out all my 5's and roll my remaining dice. While I am doing this, everyone else is also rolling for their numbers as fast as they can. Play continues in this fashion until someone has all 10 the same number. Then they yell, "TENZI" and the game is over. There are TONS of different ways to play. This is just the basic way.  We haven't experimented with a ton of variations yet, but the few variations that I liked were "Towerzi" and "Stealzie".

When I asked my facebook followers what their favorite games were to play with family/friends or in therapy here is a list of what they shared! If you have any to add to the list please share them in the comments! 
Favorite games shared were: Headbandz, Go For the Dough, Apples to Apples, Spinner, Hungry Hippos, Grannies Candies, Burst, Cranium, Dominoes, Catch Phrase, Wise and Otherwise, Pass the Popcorn, Neds Head, Don't Break the Ice, Blurt, Uno, Ladybug Game, Guess Who, CandyLand, Trouble, Logic Street, and Hi Ho Cherry-O. A few more that are faves in my speech room are Pick Up Sticks, Elephun, Jeepers Peepers and the FREE Apps "Build a Ship" and "Monster Hunt".


  1. Love Tenzie! I blogged about it too.

    1. Wow thanks SO much for sharing your post! I love all of the "speechy" twists you shared! I also love your new game inventions!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Tenzie sounds like an awesome game! In my speech room we also like: Funny Bunny, S'Match, Hisss, Cariboo (If you can find it in a second hand store), Obstacles and Snails Pace Race to name a few....
