Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Speechy Feedback Linky Party

Speachy Feedback

It's that time of month-Speechy Feedback Linky Party from Allison's Speech Peeps!  There's big news over at Allison's Speech Peeps-photos of her adorable new baby and a new website with a huge giveaway ($50.00 TPT gift card) going on so make sure you check that out!  This month has somehow been even busier than the last so I'm going to make this short and sweet. I love reading your feedback! I picked a feedback winner for this month...Melanie B. thank you for the feedback on my Where Do Balloons Go Book Companion!  I appreciate the new idea you offered by using it with the App instead of the actual book! 
Where Do Balloons Go? Speech and Language Book Companion
Melanie B. said, "These pages were great to use with the Ipad app-Where Do Balloons Go?" 

Melanie B. please contact me and let me know what product you would like for FREE from my store (10$ or less please)! 

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