Monday, August 11, 2014

Post-It Data Sheet Freebie

Do you love Post-Its as much as I do? If you do, this data sheet just might be for you! I have tried several different data collection methods, but after a few weeks of trying really hard to stick to something more organized I always fall back to my Post-Its. They would then be stuck all over my attendance log until I finally would find time to transfer everything to my students' data sheets and it would make for some ugly time right before writing progress reports! In an attempt to avoid all that this year (but be realistic that so far the only thing that has proven to work for me are those convenient, small, bright colored, sticky notes) I created this Post-It note data sheet! If you download it, please leave me some feedback! If you have a data collection system that you love, please feel free to share it in the comments! You could track student data per student or per group with this sheet depending on what works best for you! The same sheet contains my fiance's and my name so don't worry, no HIPPA violations are occurring there (and we really didn't play with the iSequences App tonight, however I do really like it)!


  1. I love this idea! Thanks for sharing!

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