Monday, November 24, 2014

5 Star Ideas for SLPs: Indoor Snowball Fight Following Directions by Pam Dahm

I am so excited to be a part of this collaborative effort to share 10 amazing activities with you from 10 amazing SLPs! :) I was lucky enough to review Pam Dahm's (From Small Talk SLP) Indoor Snowball Fight: Following Directions Set. Once you are finished reading my review of this fun product, please make sure you check out the links at the bottom of the page! All of the products that have been reviewed are AWESOME, but please don't take my word for it!

Indoor Snowball Fight:  Following Directions Set

This activity was a huge hit....let's be honest, what child doesn't like throwing things (especially in some place unexpected, like the speech room) and knocking things over?! 

There wasn't much prep needed from me, and there are several variations that can be used which is part of the reason I found it to be such a useful activity! I found this activity to be useful with my students in grades 1-6 depending on their ability level, the level of prompting I was providing, and the specific variation we were playing! 

There are 3 piles of cards, one pile has the actions (roll or throw), the second pile is the size (big or little), and the third pile is the object (winter themed of course)! 

There are also object cards attached to something that you can tip over! I attached mine to red solo cups (because I had them on hand), but there are a lot of different options. Pam suggests in her directions to attach them to small cardboard blocks or tissue boxes. Another great option would be bowling pins if you have a children's bowling game! Here's an example of one a few of mine.  

You also need SNOWBALLS! Pam suggests in her directions using a rolled up sock or a Styrofoam ball for your big snowballs and cotton balls for your small snowballs. However, I found these awesome yard balls in the speech room I moved into this year so we used these for our big snowballs! 

Now you are ready to play! Have students pick one card from each pile and follow the directions. Your students will roll/throw a big/small snowball at one of the targets and see what happens!

There are a few variations to add complexity to the activity (for your speech and language rock stars). One way to add complexity is to use the additional action cards. An example of a direction that might come from this variation would be "Jump 2 times while you throw a big snowball at the earmuffs". I LOVE this variation because I love it when kids get up and moving during therapy sessions! 

Another variation for those rock stars is to use the preposition cards instead of the roll/throw cards. An example of a direction that might come from this variation is, "Put a small snowball behind the hat." 

There you have it folks, THREE different ways to use this activity with your students! We had a lot of fun with all three variations of the Indoor Snowball Fight! The weather where I am from (Wisconsin) would allow for outdoor snowball fights right now, but I definitely prefer indoor ones!  I can't tell you if your kids will be accurate in knocking them over, but I can tell you that they will be laughing while they try! You can grab this great activity HERE for only $2.00!

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