Thursday, July 23, 2015

4% of your day

So although some of you more math-minded people probably already have thought about this, my ears perked up when I heard the instructor at a recent yoga class share that one hour is only 4% of our day.   As speech language pathologists and educators we are passionate people-if you weren't you definitely wouldn't be reading my little blog post right now. We help people communicate which is something to be very passionate about. Sometimes I feel like we can be so passionate about our work that we can forget to take care of ourselves!

 Some of you have already returned to work for the school year, some of you work year round, and others are still on summer vacation.  No matter what your "work" circumstance is right now, I have a challenge for you! I am not going to suggest that you take 4% of your day, everyday, for yourself (however, wouldn't that be awesome).  I am going to suggest that you get out a sheet of paper (I use my planner that way it is staring back at me as the school year starts and all of my meetings, report deadlines, and "to do" lists begin to fill the pages) and write down THREE things you are going to do for yourself this week. I am thinking of it as a weekly bucket list. I have a summer bucket list full of grand plans, but this isn't anything like that. These are just small tasks that I want to do to help take care of myself this week. Here's mine for next week. Notice everything on the list is something I want to do to make myself happy, not something I need to do. 

What is on your bucket list this week? 

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