Tuesday, November 24, 2015

5 Things You Didn't Know About This SLP

Hello! I am excited to be linking up with Jessica at The Speech Space for this fun linky  party! I will be sharing 5 things you (probably) don't know about me! Then please comment below with something I don't know about you!

1. I am halfway through my journey into becoming a registered yoga teacher! The training is 200 hours, and although it makes for some hectic weeks I am totally loving it!

2. I live on a lake, but I am still freaked out about fish whenever I am swimming! I love to go swimming, but I seriously get so jumpy if anything brushes up against my ankles!

3. I love drinking green juice! As part of my yoga teacher training I was introduced to the concept of "juicing" and although homemade green juice may be an acquired taste, I am currently a big fan! I get my inspiration in this department from Kris Carr of the Crazy Sexy Wellness Revolution Blog! 

4. When I get stressed out or overwhelmed, I love to cook! Something about blasting my favorite tunes and ending up with something delicious to put in my belly seems to help make the rest of the world melt away for a little while.

5. This one isn't going to be shocking after reading #4, but no matter how hard I try I just can't seem to keep my house organized and clean! I am so envious of you "stress cleaners".  Please if you have ANY organizational tips please share them below! We purchased a home with no basement so I need to step up my game a little on this whole organization system thing!

Thanks so much for stopping by! Don't forget to check out the rest of the linky party at The Speech Space and enter to win the Amazon Gift Card!


  1. I can relate to your lake comment :) I love to go to our cabin on Lake Wedowee but the only way I'll get in the lake is on a float! If I feel anything touch me, I have to get out immediately, lol!

    1. Haha I feel you on that! That's when I do my fastest swimming!!!
      Also, I was choosing one random commenter as a winner of my No Prep Christmas Game boards and you are the winner! Please comment below with your email and I will send them to you!

  2. I only WISH I were a "stress cleaner"! :)

  3. I like green drinks too! I'm jealous of your yoga training, I SO want to do that some day! Thanks so much for linking up!!!

  4. Jealous of your yoga abilities--I'm too ADD for yoga; I've tried but can't focus. And it's a GREAT workout! I have got to check out the green juice. Well, maybe after Thanksgiving!

  5. I am so jealous that you live on a lake! I would LOVE that! I was born by Flathead Lake in Montana and it is so beautiful! The water is calming! It was fun reading about you!
    -Mandi of Panda Speech
