Monday, September 8, 2014

(The) Speech Room Rules!

I am SO excited that this year I get my very own speech room! :) As part of PBIS at our school (and in most, if not all, schools in our district) we needed to create a classroom matrix. Our school's big cornerstones of PBIS are "be respectful, be responsible, be safe." (Side note, I love the common language PBIS creates for our students!) Here is how I set up my classroom matrix.

I know that classroom teachers set theirs up differently. They put different areas of their room/routines in the top row, but I wanted to mesh PBIS with whole body listening! I was pretty excited about how it turned out so I wanted to share it with you in case you are looking for a little inspiration! You can grab it HERE for free! What type of speech room rules do you have? 

1 comment:

  1. I love this! Hadn't ever put the two together for some reason--I too work in a PBIS school and it is such a joy to work in a building where people are positive and focused on what is working! (For those unsure--Positve Behaviorial Intervention Strategies is focused on what behaviors are desired and verbally, physically and visually reinforcing those expectations...but not losing sight when I child is not meeting expectations either....the language is so much more encouraging!) I can't wait to get this! Thanks for it.
